Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 16:50 Id: 08c224 No.92877 del
>you must be exclusive religious fanclub to some religion
Don't let yourself fall into the following jewish trap either: Attacking any religion other than Judaism. Another red flag. Something jews will bait you into because of their hate. I have left the most popular religion in the United States (Christianity) and prefer the Æsir of ancient Germanics, Icelandics and Scandinavians. Men who fought for Odinn had far more courage than the modern religious nut who not only turns the other cheek but bends over for international jewry. This does not mean I need to focus hate on Christianity like the jew LOVES to do in his Talmud. In reality, as opposed to the jewish narrative, the only proofs of bible origin are in Greek not Hebrew. To say Hitler wasn't Christian was the entire focus of Francois Genoud's forgery of The Table Talks.

Whether you're an Odinist, Christian or atheist doesn't matter here. What matters is not falling for jewish traps of hating your Aryan brothers to distract from hating the jew.