03/16/2024 (Sat) 20:00
Id: 6f3aa8
>>92962>One way to tell the difference is looking at detailed backgroundsYes that also too
>AI can't render a lattice properly. Sometimes not even windows. They won't be symmetrical. They'll look weird.Also it is important if some text is somewhere to notice how its gibberish to add on tips how to differ
Also and i dont know if its fixed now AI has also problems to make perfectly authentic when someone does historical stuff with it to properly make markings as the requirements dictate
Also in 3D animated stuff it bas problems with lightning and again backgrounds
>Lying about their references is typical of (((leftists)))This is not even lying as it requires attempt to build something around it, this is just pathetic desperate literall hail mary throwing and hoping it will stick and no one notices error in transparency dementia when someone dles claim and makes "backup"