04/06/2024 (Sat) 06:14
Id: d87ebe
>>93079>Trump was basically brought into power by the ability and influence of 4chan, and 4chan uses the Pepe the frog meme, which also resembles the creatures mentioned in this passage of the Bible and is also shown as unclean like them because they are sometimes covered in piss and shit:I know you CIs arent smartest bunch in research but it wasnt that
Trumps sucess was paved by jared kushner and jim watkinses marketing campagin and investments into meme cognitive warfare which existed even before he candidated on president
Second thing was that in 2016 there was a massive rise of distain for cultural marxism and reemergence of some whacky contrarian civnat nonsense
Third was that they rarher focused their marketing onto imageboards and applked a loads of bans to silence opposition
Someone who is from 8chqn can confirm that to you as there was most ruthless enforcement of trumps marketing