04/06/2024 (Sat) 10:27
Id: 1fac2f
>>93079>Trump was basically brought into power by the ability and influence of 4chan, and 4chan uses the Pepe the frog meme, which also resembles the creatures mentioned in this passage of the Bible>"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.">There is a whole theory of that surrounding Pepe the frog in that, that's not the whole of it. Also 4chan is like a secret cult that controls things behind the scenes and has a lot of influence, like the Illuminati.The (((freemasons))) have an obsession with egyptian lore, and the frog is their pick to symbolize all of the egypt's lore they so much obsess over.
So it can't be excluded those fags have at the very least tried to take control of the pepe meme for their own purposes.
If then the pepe meme truly did emerge by itself naturally, or if it was pushed into notoriety since the very start by mason kikes, that is a more interesting question.
I don't give a shit about Trump, either way. Anyone expecting any kind of hero to save the day is deluded. The people of a nation must be able to defend themselves without the need or the lazyness of relying on others to fix their own problems.
All of representative politics is a sham. Who controls the medias controls which direction a democracy goes. Similarly to how that famous jew once said "who controls the money supply in the british empire controls the british empire", the mass medias are playing that same role right now.