04/13/2024 (Sat) 20:15
Id: 986793
>>93347>Some boomer shanked a kike or mulatto mutant?More or less.
Boomer gets monkey jumped by a group of retards acting like niggers, you know how niggers always attack in groups against single persons, and how fatal wounds are very likely once a person is on the ground and the monkey pack starts to pound randomly from above,
obviously there was also a jew in the midst trying to incite the retards and other mutants to group attack the boomer,
the boomer gets dropped in the water, the risk of him getting a serious wound by the monkeys starts to feel real,
then the boomer takes out his pocket knife and the jew ends up with the guts hanging out. The jew seems to have died in the process.
An happy ending overall, 4cucks was celebrating.
Obviously a jew run court declared the boomer guilty of not having passively wait for a pack of retards to kill or seriously wound him, as instead happened many other times when group attacks were involved.
At least the boomer still has his life, that's more valuable than any retarded prison sentence.
I only have a censored version of the video, there must be an uncensored version somewhere.