Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 03:56 Id: 01e44d No.93685 del
Seriously looks like a script spit out by a bot. Now I feel like a machine ripping apart the skin on top

Besides pavlovian or other methods employed by thinktanks such as Tavistock. Shit, I can't believe how they get away with the compartmentalization within institutions now. After 7 years a graduate, I look back on how they still continue making impressions on a prospective character, leading someone to believe that's the major for them whilst plummeting into that free scholarship money spent on their programs, or programming. Nefarious at best, devilish at worst. There was discussion once years ago on this board when I only lurked that showed in Japan how they test to see what job you may be best suited for based on a mixture of 4 aspects combined into different venn diagrams, and in the middle was the term for the test.
or something like that