Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 00:23 Id: 301d1b No.93856 del
>What I'm about to propose, is about what to do with the niggers and jews living outside the european lands. Should they be eradicated too, or not?
Jews have to be annihilated everywhere, domestically and to the ends of the Earth. Even assuming they hypothetically were all migrated to one containment zone on the opposite end of the planet, time and time again for millennia that they are incapable of not acting out their parasitical tapeworm nature from across the globe. They are responsible for cyber-terrorism and ransomware attacks, they conduct false flags as a regular matter, and openly engage in assassination / terror campaigns. Besides this, they control financial arms and -will- loop other countries into war with Europe even if it spells their own destruction. They have to be viewed as an alien species from a different universe, only thriving on death and evil, for that is what they are.

Mohammedians and the like were successfully beaten away by White Europeans and removed from maritime piracy very successfully for hundreds of years; they're just not really a threat when kept in their own lands and away from European and White soil. Blacks equally so just return to their traditions of eating each other and spending time in the shade, when aid is cut off-- I think the problem solves itself, except for when White territories are threatened such as Rhodesia or South Africa.

I don't view these people as an exercise in struggle to better one's blood and folk, I view them as a series of parasites damaging an otherwise glorious and healthy body. They have to be removed, and their presence doesn't build up one's strength or character.