06/04/2024 (Tue) 06:53
Id: 075f5b
Does anyone have any redpills on Musk? As the supposedly richest person (Rothschild's rumoured to have more) I refuse to believe he's /ourguy/ just because he let a few accounts back on X. Reeks of controlled opposition, the thinking mans Trump. As well as being one of the main shareholders, Blackrock also manages Teslas accounts, the founders of said company were kikes, therefore his money works for them.
>"I must admit to being somewhat frankly naive about this. In the circles that I move, I see almost no antisemitism. ... Two-thirds of my friends are Jewish," the billionaire tech mogul said in a video posted on YouTube by Bloomberg Technology. "I have twice as many Jewish friends as non-Jewish friends. I’m like Jewish by association."
>"I’m aspirationally Jewish,” Musk continued. "So I was like, ‘What are people talking about with this antisemitism?’ Because I never hear it at dinner conversations. It’s like an absurdity — at least in my friend circles."
Elon Musk’s first name is Hebrew. It was the name of one of the biblical judges. Went to jew pre-school and has visited Israel many times since he was a youth, recently meeting with Netanyahu.
>“You first have to get rid of the poisonous regime as you did in Germany, as you did in Japan. Yeah, in World War II,” said Netanyahu. Musk replied, “There’s no choice. There’s no choice.”