Anonymous 06/22/2024 (Sat) 11:57 Id: 69c587 No.93970 del
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You have a valid point. I've noticed the same thing. See, the parasites wouldn't be able to get away with it if it wasn't for our own people being fucking traitors. The majority who will freak out if you mention jews in a negative light and then defend the cockroaches with some ignorant virtue signaling. Sure they're brainwashed. That doesn't excuse the constant bending over for international jewry AND their plots at the same time.
Basically, any jewish plot to prevent white breeding - a white traitor will support
Trans lunatics, pronouns and influencing children to fuck up their biology.
Interracial coupling
The destruction of male authority in favor of female authority.
Spouting the "white privilege" and "critical race theory" lies.
I have struggled to free individual minds outside of the internet. It has not been an easy task. The fools tend to recoil with Pavlovian responses if you say something that triggers their ingrained indoctrination. Like walking on eggshells. Ironically, Israel is accomplishing more for hatred of jews than we ever could. I'm of the belief that it's not enough.
The entire world should hate kike bastards