07/21/2024 (Sun) 19:07
Id: c26567
Gentlemen, I noticed a surge of anti-revisionist (((NatSocs))) if you can call them that of pedowood variety, who believe that holocaust happened and Hitler wanted to deport and germanize the Slavs. They also really like to shit on Italians and Southern Europeans in general. Places like (((Twitter))) are, in particular, filled with them, they all quote pozzed shit like Goebbels Diaries and take all the post-war documents for granted like complete nigger cattle they are.
My question is, is there future for National-Socialism with people like that? Because, honestly, the situation looks pretty grim to me. Not to be a defeatist or anything, but there are people, and it's a majority now and they are akin to those skinheads, who genuinely believe that holocaust happened and Hitler was evil and gassed all the jews for real he should have, truth be told, but facts are facts, it didn't happen.