07/21/2024 (Sun) 20:22
Id: c26567
>>94163>>94164I am suspicious of a lot of the accounts there. I would provide some examples and I probably will later, but it's mostly one big LARP and nothing more. I won't be surprised that it's Hasbara or IDF kikes false flagging, but a lot of these retards seem organic enough, which is why I am asking this. Europa The Last Battle is ridiculed, The Greatest Story Never Told too
because, apparently, it portrays Hitler as an egalitarian and it doesn't suit their LARP etc., etc., nobody heard of William Luther Pierce or Ernst Zundel and nobody cares, they want their pedowood kosher nazis and that's it. One thing it was just O9A pushing this edgy shit on their discords filled with informants and pedophiles, now it's just simple retards, who somehow manage to combine MAGA and National-Socialist ideology kvetching about Slavs and South Italians while being replaced by niggers legally. If you take a look at some of this it looks unhinged. It almost gives off a vibe on that JIDF managed to succeed with their shilling and kikery.