07/22/2024 (Mon) 09:12
Id: bdb57c
>>94173It honestly doesn't sound very different from Atomwaffen. People (caucasian people undiluted with hebe blood) aren't generally such shitheads. It's kikes who think up the depraved violent shit they not only have made up flimsy hoaxes for, but actively engage in the exact same violence they falsely accused others of. Or it's Feds trying their usual entrapment. Such as it is and was with Atomwaffen.
As for diaries, I meant those of the old guard original National Socialists. Hitler, Goebbels, Rosenberg etc. Kikes randomly "find" them and then the words within contradict the way those men lived. Not even
The Young Hitler I Knew by childhood friend August Kubizek is untained with jew inserted slander, confessed not all words within were his by August himself.