07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:01
Id: 2363e4
I'm going to summarize
A reaction to the jewish enemy needs:
1) an attack plan
to make the jews lose their position of power
the attack plan also further needs to be composed of 2 or more parts
1.a) the direct attack
the part actually doing damage
1.b) the plan resistance
immunizing the entire plan, most importantly protecting the (1.a)direct attack, against the jews reactions and counter-plans
the plan resistance ensures the effectivity and success of the whole plan, a plan without resistance is easily deflected or countered, making it ineffective
a plan having a resistance to counters also allows for the plan to be openly discussed even under the nose (lol) of the enemy
2) an organized structure
to fill the power gap left open by the weakened jews