Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 06:50 Id: b6b9e0 No.94244 del
>10) train the general population to instinctively detect a jew trying to hide in a crowd, or by hiding behind false names and surnames
There are many forms some jews exhibit that some don't. Ashkenazi are European mixed. Sephardi are brown. Mizrahi are asian. Some despise "muh racism". Others embody it. Some are against us while others attempt to infiltrate. Even on the question of Christianity. A majority of jews despise the religion and hate the central figure Jesus. Yet there are jewish pastors who accomplish entire congregations singing 'El Shaddai' and excusing the Pharisees as "products of their time". We can't use Jesus as a deciding factor on who is or is not a jew.
>make all the typical rotten traits of a jew to be know and to be usable as markers to easily detect a jew by their way to act rather than their false appearance
Only Hitler is foolproof. It's as simple as that. He's a magnet for their hate that they cannot resist.
>11) educate the general population about how the rotten mind of a jew works, what are the tactic most often used by the jews,
>what are the historical precedents of jewish attacks and subversions of society, and what are the historical examples of people fighting against jews and which of them were the most effective in their action
For this, we really need a "Jews General" thread on everything you just stated. But the question of "How?" returns. Circling back around to my shit plan about hijacking a satellite. Other than that, re-taking the education system. Somehow. Laying plans in action is the mortar we are missing from our bricklaying.

I can only remember a few stupid plans we've had in the past. Mostly because I didn't give a fuck about any of it. We've been told "Only Liberalism can stop the jews.", "Strasserism is the only way forward", "Join atomwaffen and commit a terrorism", "Embrace Communism", "Embrace pedophilia", "Give up breeding with whites and mate with asian women", "No utopia without Anarchy", "Join Freemasonry" etc. All of it has been horse shit.