Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 06:58 Id: 28ec49 No.94247 del
Not criticizing the ideas you have as you give textbook manual on how information.partidan warfare works however i ponder one important question onto many of these that doesnt involve guns and butter
>weaken the hold the jews have over the economy, mainly hitting their organized crime banking system, possibly make it all crash and burn
How apart of basically commiting partisan assault on it
>take advantage of the deceptive nature of the jews by tailoring an attack plan around their deceptive nature by poiting attention to their deceptiveness, any of their attempts to react to the attack will result in their deceptiveness to further be exposed until enough people will know they are false and nothing they say is worth listening too, to the point said awareness becomes selfsufficient and no longer needs a plan to keep that awareness alive, as no one will ever forget about it for the foreseeable future
Here is a thing and that involves around many mrasures of passive resistance
How if i consider the attrition warfare in information warfare where i cannot compete with 24/7 machinery overwhelming machinery of suggestion and hasbara agents that wont ever leave you alone even on a bloody imageboard with their infinite bullshiting and audacity using their false consensus