Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 07:06 Id: b6b9e0 No.94250 del
>currently, the national socialist must form organizations, gain power/money
>In your networks you must make replacements for jewish bussinesses and structures and only use those
The key missing from this equation is gaining numbers. That is the solution for a great amount of plans that I have yet to know how to reach. I don't have an education in marketing. Mine happens to be in anatomy. It really only solves the matter of keeping potential members in good health.
>the reason jews have been so successful is because they stick together as a group when dispersed
>causing them to be inclined to make small sacrifices in business. like a jew would pick a worse jewish company
>to fight this, national socialists must form their own networks, and do the same to people that are outside of their group
Also true. Circling back around to the question of "How?"
>the people that do not join us, are virtual jews
Suppose we had a network. The people that join us, on the contrary, could very well be jews. We would have to filter them out, depending on the level of success. Take this board for instance. It's low traffic. You and the other anon replying in this thread plus myself, Spain anon and Slav anon. Those are the only people here. The non-person frequently banned parasitic jew who posts gay porn and all manner of pathetic insults makes 6. Though that piece of shit doesn't count.
>it's best if the jews don't know about your group
In suggesting that we grow by attempting to invite others here from different chans and various websites, because this board has long been of low traffic, what resulted was primarily attacks by a few jews. The same thing happened awhile ago to our sister board >>>/news/ So gaining numbers that way, we've realized, has been a pretty bad idea.

>thats why jews try to push anything individuality related so hard

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