07/28/2024 (Sun) 09:15
Id: 866027
about helping the structure side of a reaction
find ways to dodge or to make powerless the censorship
for example, if you well know the united states of a are controlled by the jews, why the fuck are you still trying to organize a reaction to the jews over a site hosted in usa? it's obvious the jews are going to censor you or even block the entire platform if you manage to gain too much movement, so long you are relying on services hosted in usa.
find a discussion forum hosted anywhere else outside usa, and from a nation not dependent or controlled by usa
this should already narrow down your choices quite a bit, an obvious choice is to use a russian platform, but i'm more curious to see if there exist any iranian platforms which could be used to host an english discussion or forum (or any other language)
any place with a strong cultural divide against usa is the best, anywhere the local average moderators don't give a fuck about talking about jews and even agree on niggers being all apes
once you find such safe haven from censorship, find ways to let know everyone who get censored often how to find their way there, that's where discussion will be able to carry on unburdened and undisturbed
something similar to this is already taking place by tiktok, since the chinese don't give a fuck about talking about jews, but only so long you don't bring up how communist china was a jewish creation by anglo support(similar to how communist russia was also a jewish creation by anglo support), and how the 1 child policy which ruined entire generations in china was also a jewish creation, if jews in china history are mentioned then the chinese will censor you too, but so long you talk about jews in other nations they don't give a fuck
for that reason china is a false friend
while considering how the hosting of the discussion service must take place in a nation both not reliant on the jew slave usa, but said nation must also be indifferent to the jews getting names, by those requirements iran may be a better choice than russia
since russia is in theory not reliant on usa, but it's not as much collaborative when it comes to naming the jews,
whereas iran fills at best those two requirements, iran is not reliant on usa, and also doesn't give a shit about naming the jews, it may even encourage it
so when it comes to chose a discussion servive where to move all the pro-europe discussion free from jewish censorship, the order of preference for the host nation is:
iran > russia > china
there is also some potential for south america services to be usable, though those are weaken than china, as they are weak or reliant on usa and they may be in some cases be already under the jewish censorship, if venezuela wasn't such a poor country it could be a candidate, but otherwise I fear they lack the technological means to reliably host such a service
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