>>94260 >if you well know the united states of a are controlled by the jews, why the fuck are you still trying to organize a reaction to the jews over a site hosted in usa? Because that 100% true fact I would shout from the rooftop at any time, detours around other facts. Such as: I know of many nations compromised by jews. >anywhere else outside usa, and from a nation not dependent or controlled by usa The issue is not whether controlled by the United States or not. It's whether it's controlled by jews. Which of course the United States is. So are a majority of eastern nations. >an obvious choice is to use a russian platform Doubtful. Putin is the biggest jew in that region. >i'm more curious to see if there exist any iranian platforms which could be used to host an english discussion or forum Bingo. This is not a location I have any awareness of compromise about. However, if we can get there, jews can too. >once you find such safe haven from censorship, find ways to let know everyone who get censored often how to find their way there, that's where discussion will be able to carry on unburdened and undisturbed That's how we found this place. Spain anon and myself would be the eldest still remaining. We fled from 8chan, Jim the jew owner and his son Codemonkey-kike. G_C the former BO confirmed he posted much of the same info I did. About Trump's jewishness. And that kike bitch Angela Merkel. I was banned for both. >for that reason china is a false friend I know all about the explanation precluding that^. I can name many false friends. Russia among them. I don't believe controlled oppositions help over harm. >iran fills at best those two requirements, iran is not reliant on usa, and also doesn't give a shit about naming the jews, it may even encourage it That is the best suggestion (as to location) so far. >The only reason endchan is relatively left alone by the censoring machine of the jews is because there is too little traffic here to ever pose a threat to them