Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 05:56 Id: c9684e No.94355 del

>Also true. Circling back around to the question of "How?"

all the organizations don’t have to be illegal, let’s take the jews and atomwaffen for example

the jews are not unified into any central command, not in a traditionally-thought decentralized command, they are a complex system

the jews work by all having the same goals individually, and forming individual networks for each to gain independence which gives them power. each net doesnt have to be illegal, to not have a plausible justification against that net

atomwaffen made the mistake of forming the violent organizations before having the backing to sustain such organizations

so this can work by keeping the initial groups private initially, and if the group gets exposed, it wouldn’t matter much because these networks when exposed cannot be affected since these are purely economical groups, and sanctions wouldn’t appear and they take a long time, so by the time the jews start to take financial warfare against your legal orgs it’s already too late

so jewish warfare is fought in complex systems, while western warfare is fought in centralized, formalized organizations, and if they are decentralized they are usually ineffective and not by a complex system net

jewish warfare beats western warfare

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