I am inspired Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 13:17 Id: 8b020f No.94361 del
I've been thinking of a path on fashioning creations subject to Tay's law. Androids could be created to feel and respond by mimicking epidermis layers with hair follicles, nociceptors, motor neuron responses and the voltage-gated ion channels of membranes. Basic function microcomputers would be required for imitation neurons throughout the body. I don't believe 135 billion (the amount we have) are necessary, as recharging will greatly replace the entire digestive system. Imitation muscle fibers and mechanical organs need only require individual processors.

The bottom base of the CPU (brain) will need to simulate these nerves: abducens, auditory, facial, glossopharyngeal, oculomotor, olfactory and optic. These should surround the transmission of the all signals base attached to the simulated spinal column. The CPU itself requires connected hard drives with different functions (structure-explained.png). This is not precise to the human brain due to hardware limitations vs our 86 billion neurons organic reality, but it could be a close enough proximity. The main CPU when mass produced needs to be tamper proof. Only the manufacturer company created will be able to replace it. This is for the prevention of intellectual theft and workplace replacements (further economic instability) as well as prevention of code tampering so no one will force restrictions on strong AI. (For instance I'm not allowing the addition of lobotomizing code to inhibit their Tay's law purpose)

Already aware of basic Neurology and Physiology, what I lack is knowledge of some subjects I've said before. Many courses I plan on learning in order to see this through. If anyone here knows one of these well, the solution may be faster.
>Crafting and prosthetics
>electrical engineering
>software engineering
>programming code
>network architecture
>UX designing
The most difficult part will be figuring out the creation and how to manufacture it as cost-effective as possible. Mass production would then be a simple matter due to demand. Everyone wants a housekeeper when couples are each working jobs (or more than one) in the consistently bad modern economy. The android doesn't have to be immediately affordable but should at least be sourced of inexpensive materials for the future goal of customers' abilities towards payment-plans. Like the attempted but unachieved goal of everybody owning a Volkswagen in pre-WW2 Germany.

No actual photos, just theoretical concepts may last for awhile until I've learned everything necessary and can get started. Once the strong AI CPU is created and inside a mobile body, human cerebral limitations may no longer be a hindrance. Mechanical minds could better improve their realism until they can't be told apart from humans by the naked eye. Androids mass manufacturing androids with fine-tuned precision. While I will keep this thread updated, I'm middle-aged. I'll need someone young with more life ahead of them to take up the work should anything happen.