>>94393 >Like all over earth. I would say it was mostly Americans. Western "culture". Degeneracy influenced. >pleasant over most part of the world This is not true for North America. We have feminist freakouts in every city square. The problems that I believe drew people into MGTOW are women taking positions of authority and traditionally male job titles at an increasing rate. When you combine women with what they have not been predisposed to for centuries, they become stressed. Long work hours. Not tending to the children or growing old alone with no kids but scores of cats. A man's role has long been financial or survival support. A woman's role has long been as a companion and mother. When those are rendered null, men and women become irritable. Witness genetic predisposition in any animal. Changing environments do not stop their instincts. We as humans are animals. The result then becomes an overwhelming number of stressed and pissed off couples - as they both have to work with precious little free time at home, 12 cats owning sad - lonely roasties or sad - lonely incels. And the free time any of them get? Spent on smartphones instead of socializing. Too many of our people were allowed to be influenced. We only make up the 10% of society that jews fear. As their influence only doesn't work on us, but does on everyone else.