Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 09:36 Id: 119018 No.94526 del
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>A high IQ is worth nothing if one is too egotistical to help their own people.
Totally agree, having means or gifts is all wasteful if those aren't put to good use for the sake of something greater than oneself, like for example precisely, your own people: the origination and nourishment of the person, the ever growing treasure of virtue and craftmanship.
(the same as for your own family, your territory, your field of work, your faith, your customs and traditions, but your own people necessarily come first of all those, as nothing of those other exist without your people being safe)

The only people who are truly npc are the glowniggers, because they are tasked by the dury of their job to never understand, to actively act against you, not by some mistake in their understanding, but by a military grade discipline which only rewards following orders without question.
The mistake of the npc meme is to mistake the actions of a few glowniggers trying to subvert a community as indicative of all the other persons(victims) in there, thus faulting the victims of the glowniggers for the actions of the glowniggers.