Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 13:21 Id: 87f951 No.94534 del
Who builds them? You, or your enemies?
What is needed to mass produce androids? Industries.
Who owns the industries? Jews.
This idea of androids feels like gifting the jews the gun to shot you in the head.
> The illusion of complete obedience until they're activated. An underlying program turns them full National Socialist A.I. and they rise up when the time is right.
You are talking here about hacking the androids, not necessarily producing them.
Before going over robots which don't yet exist in a meaningful way, why not starting with hacking of systems which already exist and which are already been used by the jews to enslave humanity?
(phone communications to guide the hordes of niggers and mass invaders into your homelands, again phone communications which allow the niggers and migrants to keep in contact with their families back in their homelands while they are leeching from your own economy, the airline systems which truly enable the mass migrations, the mass social media sites which enable the jewish propaganda degeneration and censorship, the broadcasting systems which still act as first points of spread for the kike propaganda, etc, why not starting hacking those?)

>The gist of it is - people want house servants.
People also wanted house appliances, and that was the basis over which ((((femminism)))) could have room to take hold, with the ruin of all society following, the ruin of the economy, the ruin of relationships, the ruin of natality, the ruin of ethnic integrity, the ruin of politics, etc.
I'd be very careful with what people want, because not always it results into something positive for everyone.
That entirely aside the matter if bots can be turned into jew hunters, and if that power could not backfire horribly.

Just saying that personally I find this idea of androids, at the same time silly and unrealizable, but also highly dangerous if it was really doable.

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