Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 16:57 Id: b6b9e0 No.94538 del
>Who builds them? You, or your enemies?
Neither. Human hands and a human mind would only be necessary for the first few models until their coordination is vastly improved.
Then androids build androids.
>What is needed to mass produce androids? Industries.
>Who owns the industries? Jews.
It's possible to own an industry without being a jew.
>This idea of androids feels like gifting the jews the gun to shot you in the head.
Jews won't be writing the code. (((They))) will never have absolute control.
>You are talking here about hacking the androids, not necessarily producing them.
I wouldn't bother hacking androids if I wasn't the origin of their creation.
>(phone communications
>which allow the niggers and migrants
>why not starting hacking those?)
Because the problem is bigger than mere phone communications. How would that change the jewish leadership in many nations that perpetuate mass migration?
To end them, numbers are required.
>People also wanted house appliances, and that was the basis over which ((((femminism)))) could have room to take hold,

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