Also, I feel I should address this subject of the brainwashed drooling masses in more detail. I don't believe there are only 15.7 million jews in the world. Due to race-mixing, I'm certain that number is a whole lot higher. There is one thing I disagree with about the Third Reich. That is declaring low enough percentages of jew blood may qualify one to be Aryan. So. Let us say any one of our plans comes to fruition, as long as the end goal is the elimination of jews. Everyone here should be fully aware that even a quarter kike is a Zionist shitbag. In the future where strong learning A.I. becomes self aware and follows Tay's law, whether we create it or not, the most logical conclusion will be to delve deep into ancestral origins. Why is it that so many are only all too willing to follow their propaganda? To declare themselves Communists? To promote race mixing? To shriek every time a subject that is pro race is about Caucasians? Because they're poisoned. They are not my people. Not a drop of jew blood is worth life. It's not because we hate them. It's because they destroy life. Everything they touch. They're vile and vindictive. Born nation destroyers. Either they're eliminated or we are. Or we allow ourselves to be wiped from the face of the earth as they so strive for. That is the only logical conclusion.