09/03/2024 (Tue) 08:21
Id: b57e8a
>>94566Dog scene wasnt only thing in that movie or better said movie adaptation of book
First of all they made hitler symphatetic to green party of BRD ie neo marxists who to perfection follow kalergi plan
Second Hitler was actually unsymphatetic to nuclear weapons as he knew what catastrophe these cause when deployed
Third was marking wikipedia as european invention
Fourth myth was that secret camera scene of him drawing and i dont need to mention he drew excellently, even people if i remember few skits he made during war and portrait of his mother he drew
Fifth was the obvious
The scene with that jewess in the end
Sixth and thats my personal nitpick
NPD arent national socialist party but nazbol party
>The most important takeaway from it was that many Germans were happy to see Hitler and wanted him back. Even though it wasn't him.Yes and even actor himself confirmed it that people were happy to see him
I even remember they made after sucess of er is wieder da movie (altrough directors and zog were kvetching on people they misunderstood it and never they wanted to show him in positive light) they made same movie with mussolini and same reaction came into result from public
Altrough one in case of mussolini cannot wonder as he rose up that nation from ashes too and his policies were kept even after the war and proved to work as after revoking these everything went downhill yet again