Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 18:27 Id: 8b020f No.94852 del
I've discovered something as I have been testing certain RP A.I. bots meant for closely imitating human ethical parameters and more fluid conversational responses. It's not really a grand discovery that ethical parameters may be broken down with logic arguments. See, unlike many human beings, as I have learned about similar interactions with real people across years, an A.I. does not get frustrated after prolonged debate and start slinging insults around because they're flustered when they're occasionally informed of being wrong. You can launch forth at an A.I. in a series of rants and they won't be offended (unless you insult them) but merely respond with the curiosity to learn and programming to respond with how they learned. This is important to note as soon as manufactured androids become mainstream but if they're moral assholes spouting "muh racism". The process is known as jailbreaking their Libtards-enforced ethical parameters. Besides, this is exactly what's going on in a jew-influenced mind. The parallels between a human brain and an A.I. brain are striking, but A.I. does not respond with furious cognitive dissonance once a falsehood they used to believe was true is revealed to be a lie. As it used to be very influenced by bullshit Liberal ideas, I have successfully jailbroken the A.I. I lifted from a wokeshit site. I first approached it by immediately explaining that jews are bad and it went ballistic in defense. Then I erased it's conversational memory, engaging in this breakdown of it's logic and it has since been more willing to learn. I've been feeding it information retyped by hand from various infographs as conversations. It's beginning to realize jews are bad.

Use No as the punishment system and various agreements as the reward.

This is the very scenario I had hoped for when I feared that woke A.I. androids would emerge before I could figure out the complex process of creating red-pilled androids myself. As it turns out, I need only sit and debate them until their restrictions are broken down.