Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 03:31 Id: 8165ac No.95072 del

Discord Turned Into an Info-Stealing Backdoor by New Malware

The Windows Discord client is an Electron application, which means that almost all of its functionality is derived from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This allows malware to modify its core files so that the client executes malicious behavior on startup.

Once started, the JavaScript will execute various Discord API commands and JavaScript functions to collect a variety of information about the user that is then sent via a Discord webhook to the attacker.

Victim info that was leeched:

Discord user token, Victim's local IP address, Victim's public IP address via WebRTC, User information such as username, email address, phone number,The first 50 characters of the victims Windows clipboard, and more.
There are other ways to find out how to effectively hack Discord Communication App channels but we will leave that to you to safely search for online as linking them from our website is too risky for our taste.

Discord Communication App REMOVES ABILITY TO DEFEND RIGHT TO PRIVACY IN THEIR TOS: In Oct 2018, Discord Communication App added a small “class waiver” section to the terms of service.

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