Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 12:53 Id: 96c670 No.95196 del
Testimonies from what jew? It was known Hitler had dysentery since August 1941. The first source is from Louis L. Snyder whom I looked up and found out he's not a kike before I even posted those. Hitler took Morell on in 1936. I wouldn't believe the source if it said, "drooling, farting and shitting his pants thrice a week". The result is clear. (((Morell))) had been poisoning him since he met him.
>I'm actually discovering about this guy
I've been studying Hitler for years now, and I do tend to discard blatantly insulting bullshit about him - for it often comes from jews. Identify the kike author source I might have missed, and I'll remove the infographs from both the board and my hard drive. What I have gleaned about the matter of Morell is this: Hitler believed his light would go out at any minute because the kike physician told him so. It was a blatant lie. Morell used that opportunity to poison him. The shaking hand Adolf had, it was very real. Seen in some videos. That's not just trauma from an explosion. While Hitler was kept poisoned and experiencing dysentery, his Generals fucked up the Eastern Front.

I don't think of it as an insult to Hitler, like the jews do, that (they never suggest he was poisoned by a jew) Hitler suffered health issues as a result and may have even won WW2 if not for that, along with many other factors of vile jewish intervention.

I'm aware of Irving, by the way. The reason behind his shameful and traitorous backpedaling in favor of the holocaust fraud is explained in the second video. I realize I was wrong about you, however. It is a good idea to remain suspicious and hone jewdar to detect whenever they're behind narrating historical events, for such narrations are often lies.