Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 16:22 Id: 831465 No.95200 del
At this point anarcho-capitalism is pretty much let the Jewish merchants and bankers do whatever the fuck they want because, huh, regulations put in place by governments already owned by Jews prove the AnCap to be right. Friedman loved to abuse this rhetorical trick. You can watch the videos of his course sessions on yt, you want to strangle this lying cunt because you know that you can't go to the end of a real argument without exposing the Jews and just no one would do that, so the bastard could always keep his legendary smug face and gloat internally.

Why would Machiavelli be in hell? The guy was megabased. The entire NSDAP progression, fights against Commies, appeal to the volk, including the SA purge, were directly lifted from his writings.