Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 12:22 Id: 9622eb No.95292 del
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The jews and their cancer(jewish propaganda) are connected but distinct entities, you must tackle both.

If you remove the jews but ignore their jewish propaganda, the latter will continue spreading by itself. Normal people would just become the new jews, acting the same, like parasites, like destroyers of life, like ruiners of nations, by action of the leftover jewish propaganda still lingering on. And then those new jews would start enforcing the jewsih propaganda all anew. Nothing would have changed. There would be no end to the jewish problem.
If you suppress the jewish propaganda, meaning suppressing also all the systems spreading it, you would have already done 90% of the work in removing the jews, with only the simpler 10% being left. The simpler 10% part of rounding up harmless and powerless conspirators and well poisoners, because you would have already cornered them after removing the spread of their lies.

This should be obvious already, why should I even explain this?