Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 13:02 Id: cfd3ab No.95294 del
About breaking the jewish spells over people minds,
the japanese have a lot of influence by their entertainment media, not just in USA, but worldwide, tons of other nations in the world like and follow japanese shows, which is why the kikes are rushing to buy out the japanese media industry, to corrupt the japanese media into one more global jewish propaganda boardcast, and to crush what the jews see as a competitor to their cursed influence.
But what if we could break the jewish spell over the japanese people? What direction would take the japanese media, which is famous worldwide, regarding the jews?
Can you see the potential of turning the table on the jewish propaganda? After which the jews would be surrounded and cornered.
We help break the jewish spells over the japanese, and the japanese will help break the jewish spells worldwide.