12/08/2024 (Sun) 17:35
Id: 37966a
>>90810>And i was beating the bell since that was a thing in first place.>And how shills were making copium after copiumGlad I'm not the only who thought this
>Its an good thing as it filters bad artists from good>No its good as it creates competition>No its good since its not that developed and for sure nobody would push that far>No people would never be that dumb to fall for it>No it offers possibilities which we cannot make since we cannot make this and that person alive anymkre or this and that art just by asking someoneYeah that's just B.S corpo talk. They know what they're doing when they're giving away free stuff. It takes wayyyy too much computational power to power AI tools, so there has to be something that they get from all of this effort.