12/08/2024 (Sun) 18:36
Id: f0fca3
>>95215>even further after that commentary on people should work until they dieI think I posted about this earlier in another thread, but I'll just repost it now and expand more on the topic. He always makes those inflammatory comments for a reason: Exposure.
The more crap he spews out of his mouth
which he probably didn't even write himself and he had some unpaid interns do for him. The more people he gets tuning in to his crap content,website, podcast, whatever. The people tune in, the more likely he can make some book sales or conference sales or whatever he's trying to sell.
He's just doing a more pettier version of a marketing/sales funnel. It's pretty basic sales stuff. He's been doing the same thing for years, so he knows what brings him money.
>People get angry = more sales>people post comments about him = more sales>people make le funny image edits and videos about him = more sales>generally dislikedHe's also descended from court jesters anon. He doesn't care since in his mind: people giving him attention = "I'm doing my job" = more money and repeat le customers.
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