Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 21:11 Id: 30b669 No.95314 del
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>the brainwashed traitors
>What the fuck are we supposed to do to stop it?
The current state of things is:
1) the jews control the economy, by printing fake money (not only, they also control the natural resources and energy resources, which is what really allows them to get away with their fake money)
2) by said fake money the jews also control most of the mass medias
3) by said controlled mass medias, the jews spam their jewish propaganda (which aims to destroy any european nation, by infertility combined with invasion)
4) by said jewish propaganda, non-jews are indoctrinated to defend the jews, and to slave away their lives for the jews
5) some of said brainwashed non-jews also control some form of mass media, and further spread the jewish propaganda which brainwashed them
6) by (1) + (2) + (4), the jews also control the government of america and other nations controlled by america, like the nations of europe
7) by the jew controlled governments, the jews further finance their jewish propaganda, with the taxmoney of non-jews

In such a state of things, a direct confrontation against the jews and their anti-european brainwashing, is never going to work.
The jews control all the means to spread their infectious brainrot, more strongly than anything a single person or a group of persons could manage to spread a different message, the jews would just drown the different message in the noise of their kike insanity. And anytime a mon-kiked message goes viral online, the jews quickly censor it until it loses momentum and it dies out.

That leaves only two other ways to fight against the jews and all the systems they control to spread their lies
1) ride on the kike systems and make them self-circuit, until the kikes will dig their own grave

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