12/09/2024 (Mon) 17:51
Id: 18e65f
>>95314>use of the jew controlled mass media systems to hit back at the jews and their lies.and for no reason i remembered the various forms of bans in any form of communications for reasons of hate speech just by saying mundane historical facts like rotschilds ancestry etc...
> Lead them to expose themselves, and to make their lies crumble on themeselvesthey already do that on mass scale and everything needed is a bit of googling to get what you need as i did with confirmation here
>>95286maybe you need as same heavy beating as i got just by posting available statistics anywhere where i could apart of imageboards and even on 4pol getting bans after bans
>>95369>witches = well poisoning pagan jewsi more curse also how trough collateral damage herbalists ancient or medival got same modern classification as jewish charlatans
> infected by the jewish feast of purim.yep and even twisted original meaning of this holliday and simmilar to it from easter europe as something of death worship holiday than either paying respect to dead or ceremonially ending a harvests...