Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 01:22 Id: 66462b No.95403 del
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You can't free others from an illusion if yourself live inside an illusion.
You can't give hope to others if yourself have no hope.

>as i got just by posting available statistics anywhere where i could apart of imageboards and even on 4pol getting bans after bans
Been there, still not giving up. Did you give up instead?

Got bans for even less, the kike skin is very very thin, they are on the losing side of all eternity. You are not really understanding what it means to ride on their kike systems, when they ban and censor you, that's a failure in riding over them, you must do things differently to overplay them, but I can't really explain how, you must figure it out yourself. The only requirement, is not giving up, and by attempts over attempts, you'll find the right method. Steel your resolve, protect what gives you courage, don't allow yourself to be misdirected from what you want.
Or at the very least, try everything you can do, then you won't have regrets, however things go.

Have a rare non-jewed anime image. Hope never dies, people only forget where they put theirs.