12/13/2024 (Fri) 13:23
Id: 0c41da
>>95470Those quotes of Goebbels have been taken out of context and applied
to every sort of degeneracy back when 8chan was not 8kun. I happen to agree with you about video games though. People playing these games, aside from WolfenKIKEStein, don't really notice all the "secret subtle freemasonry" bullshit that OP and others do. They're just engaging in escapism from their monotonous ZOG wage slave lives.
I used to be told that the precursor thread to the Aryan Woman Thread was "degenerate"
>>88926 in 2017, but I restarted the thread in 2022 anyway. That is what Goebbels meant about women, there is no reason for them to be prudes, but the top priority he was always saying in public gatherings is to
start a family and raise children.