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Welp... Anonymous 12/05/2023 (Tue) 13:43 Id: 09745e [Preview] No. 91828
Looks like the most dangerous imageboard humanity has ever seen is on it again... that site is REALLY full of groomers to the point of backing literal MAP pedos

Anonymous 12/06/2023 (Wed) 04:09 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91830 del
I don't know what imageboard that is, but fuck MAPs. Kikes pushed this pedophilia shit. Acceptance of it is their final goal. Then they can have another Weimar Republic where tourists can pay to rape kids.

Anonymous 12/06/2023 (Wed) 13:22 Id: c69015 [Preview] No.91833 del
It's Leftypol. Apparently they've got off with another one recently

Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 00:51 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91834 del
I don't believe they're not capable of being this retarded, though it seems a lot like parody.

Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 01:48 Id: 7163e6 [Preview] No.91835 del
(131.64 KB 995x1645 37861_0.jpg)
(106.48 KB 1080x1389 37862_0.jpg)
(121.34 KB 991x1651 37863_0.jpg)
Want more Leftypol insanity?

Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 06:17 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91836 del
So much ironic shitposting. Don't get me wrong. This doesn't come from a side where I'll defend lefty retards. This comes from a side where I would execute them as the traitors they are. That's not them though. It's all tongue in cheek leftist RP.

Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 09:23 Id: 48a2b5 [Preview] No.91837 del
(497.05 KB 1080x655 image-9.png)
(1.02 MB 1280x720 1680392349163501.webm)
>That's not them though. It's all tongue in cheek leftist RP.
When i looked once to their abyss i believed simmilar thing but after time realized that this is how such people think daily if at all generating slogans and gitty dogmas like some search engine or chat gpt can be considered human thinking
Like for example when they decided once that they should replace pepe with some alternative of theirs because pepe is fascist and stuff

This is their mindset, a nothing more but pure envy, hatred and narcissism. The more i torture myself by reading any of that whatever on my own or from screenshots hitlers definition of those people starts to be understatement in mein kampf
Anon maybe you know but i can read off what phone you used during screencapping and when you took the screenshot on file name
Also motorollas are better

Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 07:17 Id: 75982c [Preview] No.91857 del
>pure envy, hatred and narcissism
Plus egoism and overcompetition. That's why most zoomers are depressed, for they'd subscribed to woke leftist bolshevik jewry.

Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 15:09 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91868 del
I realize all of that, Slav anon. I've also been around imageboards since before 4chan existed. The subtleties there in the screenshots are prime examples of ironic shitposting. It's a bit difficult to tell from actual enemy propaganda. Which is why ironic shitposting as jews is not allowed here. These people at /leftypol/ so far, by the examples I've seen, are playing an amusing LARP. Actual Leftists try way harder to convince people of their stance and then sperg out with retard rage when anyone dares to disagree with anything they ever say. Even if their dialogue is entirely unrelated, such as discussion of a film or series. Or games.

The one thing those shitposting LARPers forgot to do is fly into a rage at the most insignificant contradicting replies. Leftists are emotional babies. They can't into logic or facts.

OP 12/09/2023 (Sat) 16:11 Id: 75982c [Preview] No.91869 del
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OP here (also posted >>91857 >>91835)
They literally advocate for violence and annexation of an otherwise peaceful country working with Exxon? Just shows the insane amount of braindead insanity there

OP 12/09/2023 (Sat) 16:13 Id: 75982c [Preview] No.91870 del
>>91869 (cont'd)
Plus proletarian justice and violence against car owners.

Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 00:49 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91876 del
(321.75 KB 1248x2048 ADL.jpg)
They're talking about (((Leo Frank))), anon. He raped and murdered 13 year old Mary Phagan. That kike deserved to die. The Anti Defamation League began from defending the piece of shit. This is reading more and more like a based infiltration and mockery of leftist politics.
>Every single car owner shall die!
Oh no. Anyway. If genuine leftist shits come here to start crap, they'll be banned repeatedly.

Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 11:56 Id: 862f66 [Preview] No.91885 del
(2.12 MB 640x360 1660501566198053.webm)
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>That's why most zoomers are depressed, for they'd subscribed to woke leftist bolshevik jewry
Not all to begin with.
When it comes to zoomers they are depressed because what is in front of them and every generation that would have to face such a pain defenetly would develop the same nihilistic apathy
Every man would be raining niagara falls and wish to be dying in a ditch of afganistan while listening to falling metal pipe music if he would see present housing prices, worsening living conditions, rising prices and fees on goods and services on more and more plummeting salaries, more and more punishing and unjust laws preventing or undermining any form of livehood or any at all financial security, basically enforcing the whole sentence of enforcing measures precenting survival or development of target group and measures preventing demographic growth that even hits into their small worlds of unis and high schools if in US you have 4 year highschool academic years and your people desperarly grind for highest titles to enjoy the safety of uni and not getting depressed from job market turning either into marxist cancer or hedonism if failing to solve the puzzle

>Leo frank pic
>But vigilantism is bad
>Idea built on vigilantism agains established order
Mfw that picfure with that link in distance

https://youtube.com/watch?v=5UkFq3uOf7M [Embed]
There will be a lot of fun i see when in march 2024 possibly will be kick yet again the economy crisis of 2008 but with either another fake scamdemic or cyberattack in order to not get killed because gods forbid someone notices that we are suffering liquidity crisis and have 3 months left before fed jew will come for his payments for liquidity loans

Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 13:58 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91889 del
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>Not all to begin with. When it comes to zoomers they are depressed
Right, because Zoomers were for some time known as "Generation Zyklon". There was a time when I used to protest that because it's obvious the jewish holocaust was one big fraud. If the idiots who still believe in it would try some elementary school math for a minute, they too could discover it's a paper thin hoax. I don't much care what idiots believe as long as they want to kill all child murdering jews.
>your people desperarly grind for highest titles to enjoy the safety of uni
No longer matters. Only for women. Men are increasingly shut out of authority positions unless they tick the diversity checkmarks.
>getting depressed from job market turning either into marxist cancer or hedonism if failing to solve the puzzle
Marxism is a fad. There are few outliers who stick to it, but generally Commies throw off the shackles after some time and brain maturity. For the most part, they join Capitalism (foolishly thinking they'll stop it from within). That's when the Commie gradually becomes a Capitalist.

Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 14:07 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91891 del
+The adults are usually jews. The University professors shilling Marxism. They don't want progress, which is quite against Communism. They want destruction. Which Marxism at it's core is unceasing conflict. The only result from all that warring is chaos and ruin.

Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 14:13 Id: 75982c [Preview] No.91894 del
(217.00 KB 848x1617 Leftypol.jpg)
Another one joins the gang

Anonymous 12/12/2023 (Tue) 08:31 Id: b43b13 [Preview] No.91918 del
(285.14 KB 1080x1656 dumb spergout.jpg)
and this other one

Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 17:27 Id: 862f66 [Preview] No.91924 del
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>No longer matters. Only for women. Men are increasingly shut out of authority positions unless they tick the diversity checkmarks.
The more i know on US as at least in v4 nations youth goes into uni at all costs to postpone joining the workforce and the depressing life of having if any luck they will have at all with employer the 800€ in clean salary while demands and prices rise into almost nedding 2000 per month since 2024
>For the most part, they join Capitalism (foolishly thinking they'll stop it from within). That's when the Commie gradually becomes a Capitalist.
Yes if of course as it happens a lot will fail to solve the puzzle and keep the hedonistic hookers and blackjack enjoying life mindset even in as possiblities are high in 2p24 where 2008 financial meltdown will kick again (but now with flavour in order to not by any means let anyone to rise or dare to make OWS again)

Still to this day im thankful that i figured this jewish puzzle out and didnt become one of those individums who are gatekeepers for jews for free and instead saw the swastika after the pilgramage for answers especially during scamdemic.
Luboš Blaha is that you?
>Even if they are aware
I will not expand on lack of opportunities i will not say it, i already have enough of depressions and wish to preserve some of my hair on head from falling

Anonymous 12/14/2023 (Thu) 04:18 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91925 del
>The more i know on US as at least in v4 nations
Yes exactly. In the old days, average (not wealthy) American citizens had to pull two jobs if they wanted to support a family. Now people are having to pull two jobs if they just want to support themselves. Utility bills rise $100 every few months.
>not by any means let anyone to rise
This is why I don't fear Commies. They're too passive compared to the old murdering Bolsheviks. Too hypocritical not to enjoy the fruits of Capitalism as they whine about it. BLM definitely committed murders along with vandalism. Not on the scale it was in Russia though.

Anonymous 12/14/2023 (Thu) 22:16 Id: 8821b8 [Preview] No.91932 del
Looks kinda fake OP.

And I just wouldn't go there to begin with

Anonymous 12/18/2023 (Mon) 08:31 Id: 6e9107 [Preview] No.91959 del

Anonymous 12/18/2023 (Mon) 12:56 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91960 del
Ok. You could've said all that here. In your reply. You know. Because this is a discussion imageboard. Btw - Yeah, the dumbfuck idea of a 15 minute city is just green leftist horseshit. It's a pipe dream of theirs. Like underwater cities. Or an economy that doesn't crumble when their stupid, fucking elderly dementia suffering President is constantly enforcing Go Green.

Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 12:58 Id: 7163e6 [Preview] No.91968 del
It's meant to be publicized too

Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 17:51 Id: c36006 [Preview] No.91972 del
(229.38 KB 1080x864 ew.jpg)
Guess their age

Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 23:30 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91982 del
I have met a man in his 60s ranting about how "based" shitty 70s music was, who also defended jews with extreme ignorance. I've recently met a 17 year old kid who questions the fraud holocaust and despises what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians. I have met the opposite of these subjects. Old men jew aware and young fucking idiots pro-ZOG. Age isn't even a factor when it comes to being stupid.

Anonymous 12/20/2023 (Wed) 02:18 Id: a45ee6 [Preview] No.91984 del
Thats a difficult thing to consider as it writes like 15 year old and has a tantrum of a sugar child in its 30s confirming Vallejo Nájeras analysis in spanish civil war
>Pic from 1950s
>Era when just an accusation of being a bolshevik was enough to get lynching from mob.
And i tought i saw enough of cancer today...
>They're too passive compared to the old murdering Bolsheviks.
And not relevant as during the old times they could just promise pearls and trinkets to raise the army to let them to destroy before getting dumped by jews to enjoy that destruction, what they have now? Nothing at all, what they will just come to amazon warehouse employee and tell him if he joins he will get STDs, brain damage, and castration with negrophilia?
>BLM definitely committed murders along with vandalism
Well here is a thing, were these politically or racially motivated to begin with. Because yes since naacp jews were training cheap revolutionaries (until stonewall riots where chimping was too big) however they condition their conciousness around loxism to give them "identity" and bolshevism serves them as sort of idk social foce to destroy themselves (like mugabe did with mandela)
>shitty 70s music was
Who thinks in his right mind that 70s apart of what now is in vietnam war playlists is unuque...

Anonymous 12/20/2023 (Wed) 10:03 Id: d38b37 [Preview] No.91986 del
(109.86 KB 1080x449 pasquale (accomplice).jpg)
(243.44 KB 1019x697 krates (head).jpg)
Came across these recent posts made by tow of their mods advertising CP sites. Both of these are in blog entries where pedos commented prior.

Anonymous 12/20/2023 (Wed) 10:04 Id: d38b37 [Preview] No.91987 del
(109.86 KB 1080x449 pasquale (accomplice).jpg)
(243.44 KB 1019x697 krates (head).jpg)
Came across these recent posts made by tow of their mods advertising CP sites. Both of these are in blog entries where pedos commented prior.

Anonymous 12/21/2023 (Thu) 04:19 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91990 del
Wouldn't put it past lefties, but we're not Feds here. The way endchan deals with CP is bans, deletions and scrubbing the images from the entire site. Global Admins get involved in removing that filth too. The way leftypol deals with it is probably typical, since they're fucked up leftists.

Anonymous 12/21/2023 (Thu) 06:45 Id: 75982c [Preview] No.91991 del
>but we're not Feds here
I do know that! It's meant as a call-out and an exposing. We can also compare our mods to theirs in terms of decency and morality.

Anonymous 12/22/2023 (Fri) 04:15 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.91999 del
>compare our mods to theirs
There's only one mod here. The way I moderate this /pol/ is according to the Board Rules (and Global must be followed):
Every single time I've removed something else, it fell under Global rules for either illegal or spam content. Unless of course it's my early morning replies where I fuck up a majority of words.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 12/22/2023 (Fri) 04:16.

Anonymous 12/23/2023 (Sat) 07:13 Id: b13087 [Preview] No.92005 del
(100.79 KB 1080x441 do they even.jpg)
Can they even define what fascism is wtf

Anonymous 12/23/2023 (Sat) 08:55 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.92006 del
(161.60 KB 753x1332 fasces.png)
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Looks like the thread fixed itself 'Fascist' is their boogeyman. They have no clue what it meant pre-WW2 and assign ambiguous meanings to fascism without realizing how stupid they're being. But that's the Leftist plot. Like with gender which has been around since ancient Greece and ancient Rome, yet the faggots say it's a "social construct", they re-define everything until they drive sane people fucking crazy.

Anonymous 12/23/2023 (Sat) 09:07 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.92008 del
(395.01 KB 1920x1080 Giovanni Gentile.jpg)
I should add - a Leftist won't accept the definition no matter how many times you explain it. No matter what Giovanni Gentile, the creator of Fascism, said about it. They're stubbornly retarded. Only THEIR meanings count. Everyone else is wrong even when they're clearly fucking wrong. And they don't just do this about their politics. They pull this shit for everything they ever talk about. Something that didn't happen in Game of Thrones? Fuck you, it happened because the Lefty said so. Something is clearly made for females? Fuck you, it was made for males because the Lefty said so. Always the same with them. This is also the reason they'll never unify. The idiots stubbornly can't agree on even the smallest, most insignificant bullshit. It makes Leftists nothing but obnoxious twats.

Pandering Corporations unfortunately listen to them because they're the loudest minority of voices promoting trash when everyone else doesn't give a fuck.

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 04:27 Id: 09563e [Preview] No.92018 del
(366.61 KB 1073x1787 another one.jpg)
Even Santa Claus isn't free from the Left's immature black and white worldview!

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 04:42 Id: 199fc7 [Preview] No.92019 del
1650s - Father Christmas
1773 - Saint A. Claus
A fucking ethno-state? What, with just Santa and Ms. Claus? He has beginnings from the Dutch Sinter Niklaas from Sinterklass when Saint Nicholas fed hungry children. How retarded does someone have to be to think 'Elves' is derogatory? They're the classiest of the fictional characters. That said, the entire thing is an obvious shitpost. Tongue in cheek. Someone thinks they're clever with parodies over there.

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 02:01 Id: 04c515 [Preview] No.92385 del
(50.04 KB 680x453 Double Cheers.jpg)
(((Leftypol))) BTFO lmao

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 02:08 Id: 04c515 [Preview] No.92386 del
I fkn love Ay Tone

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