Путин хуйло 05/25/2024 (Sat) 11:02 Id: e78e9d No.515131 del
Возможно, вы имели в виду: ебаного куколда Буша-2 вместо базовичка Эль Гора.

>It goes back to the weakness of the United Nations as an institution. It has been that way since its creation. It’s the best we’ve got, so we have to make the best of it. cop1, the first of these annual conferences, took place three years after the Earth Summit, in Berlin. The young environment minister of Germany, Angela Merkel, was the president of cop1. The first order of business was to adopt the rules, including for how the world was going to make decisions. The default procedure was something called consensus, which is the same as unanimity, unless the president of the cop recognizes someone who is trying to object.
>And so the petrostates—and in effect the fossil-fuel industry—have had a veto over anything the world community tried to do on fossil fuels. Even the great Paris agreement, which was a genuine achievement, could not use the phrase “fossil fuels.” Last year, there was a movement by the European Union and others to phase out fossil fuels—to begin the phaseout. And Saudi Arabia said, No, I’m sorry, we won’t permit that—you have to have our permission, and we will not grant you our permission. Sorry, world. We can’t even talk about fossil fuels.