Путин хуйло 05/29/2024 (Wed) 05:47 Id: 644654 No.517625 del
Шведы дали заднюю

Sweden will not be sending JAS 39 Gripen to Ukraine anymore.

USA Veto after Sweden declares Ukraine can use Swedish weapons on Russian territory.

>16:08 A follower on Twitter has the explanation for why the Gripen to Ukraine was stopped - it is that Defense Minister Pål Jonson (M) said that Swedish weapon systems may be used against the territory of the Russian Federation. It was probably too much for the US, where the government does not want Ukraine to be able to defend itself against attacks from Russian territory. Understandably a speculation from the follower, but it is a perfectly reasonable explanation for why the Gripen was stopped despite, according to wording, far-reaching plans and the possibility of being ahead of the F-16 in Ukraine.