Путин хуйло 06/10/2024 (Mon) 05:43 Id: 8a7856 No.525864 del
Дополнительные объяснения о причинах решения Макрона:

- If Le Pen wins, she could be less likely to win the presidential race in 2027 because the outgoing government typically scores pretty bad (certainly in the last 30 years). So short term loss to get a later win. Macron could take advantage of a RN government to pose as the defender of liberal policies.

- if Le Pen does not win a majority, it could be a way to force a coalition government of anti-RN parties (assuming the socdem/libdem parties manage to get a majority between them)

- because of the 2-turn majority vote, it could theoretically mean Macron actually increases his existing majority if there is enough strategic voting in the first turn. That's quite unlikely though.

- it might shuffle current parties and alliances enough for Macron to make gains in the mid-long run as his opponents backstab each other.

- democratically it can make sense, and Macron certainly wants to portray himself as a democrat

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