Путин хуйло 08/10/2024 (Sat) 11:43 Id: 06e82f No.584114 del
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🇧🇾Briefing by Minister of Defence of the Republic of Belarus Lieutenant General Viktor Khrenin on the violation of the airspace of the Republic of Belarus:

«On 9 August, the air defence forces on duty detected unidentified flying air objects from the territory of Ukraine in the direction of the Republic of Belarus.

In order to prevent a possible violation of the State border in the airspace of the Republic of Belarus in a timely manner, the designated forces and means were put on standby No. 1 within the established time frame.

After crossing the State border, the aerial targets were classified as unmanned air vehicles and the command was given to destroy them.

As a result of actions of our combat units, some of the aircraft were destroyed. The rest, which were outside the range of the air defence assets, were escorted by units of the Air Defence Forces on duty, handed over to the Russian side and also destroyed.

We regard this as a provocation against the Republic of Belarus.

Considering the situation in Ukraine and in the Kursk region of Russia, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces has ordered to strengthen the grouping of troops in the Gomel and Mozyr tactical areas in order to respond to such provocations.

Military units of special operations forces, ground troops and rocket forces, including «Polonez»systems and «Iskander» complexes, have been tasked with marching to the designated areas.

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