Путин хуйло 09/17/2024 (Tue) 17:05 Id: 640b1b No.619743 del
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Нет, их по старинке НАДУВАЮТ

Криптовалютная биржа Binance предупредила клиентов о нацеленной на кражу активов малвари Clipper, активность которой возросла за последние недели. Заметное увеличение числа инцидентов пришлось на 27 августа. Вредоносное ПО подменяет адреса кошельков во время транзакций, что приводит к финансовым потерям.

Clipper распространяется через неофициальные приложения и плагины (в основном, Android-приложения и плагины для десктопных браузеров). Пользователи ставят эти приложения через неофициальные источники, часто из-за санкционных ограничений и недоступности официальной версии в их стране.

> We have identified a global malware issue that is significantly impacting cryptocurrency transactions by altering withdrawal addresses during the transaction process. This type of malicious software, often referred to as "Clipper malware," intercepts data stored in the clipboard, primarily targeting cryptocurrency wallet addresses. When a user copies and pastes a wallet address to transfer cryptocurrency, the malware replaces the original address with one designated by the attacker. If the user completes the transfer without noticing the change, the cryptocurrency is sent to the attacker's wallet, resulting in financial loss.

> The issue has seen a notable spike in activity, particularly on August 27, 2024, leading to significant financial losses for affected users. The malware is often distributed through unofficial apps and plugins, especially on Android and web apps, but iOS users should also remain vigilant. Many users inadvertently install these malicious apps while searching for software in their native languages or through unofficial channels, often due to restrictions in their countries
