Путин хуйло 09/30/2024 (Mon) 05:15 Id: 1eb7fb No.627754 del
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> The West’s advice on a Zaporizhzhia offensive: A breakthrough is possible, but warns Ukraine that the Russians would crush them if they succeed (Wow, USA military genius!)
> The West asks Ukraine to sit out the rest of 2022, promising to deliver mountains of equipment for a spring counteroffensive.
> Unbeknownst to the United States, Ukraine has a final ace up its sleeve: Open a northern front and push toward the undefended cities of Belgorod and Kursk to force Putin into negotiations. When the U.S. learns of the plan, they shut it down in the strongest possible terms, including some very undiplomatic -offers- that shouldn't be launched between "allies."
> Ukraine asks for the equipment it was promised. The West instead offers idiotic advice about concentrating all its offensive forces in eastern Zaporizhzhia (the strongest point of Russian fortifications).
> America goes schizophrenic. After the colossal effort of supplying 31 downgraded tanks following the failed summer offensive, Congress refuses to pass aid to Ukraine and Israel because of a completely unrelated immigration crisis, in a display of retardation not seen since the late 1930s.
> West does not even agree to give permission to strike with long-range weapons in Russian territory. Even using domestically developed weapons comes with phone calls and hysteria by the west.

Кто-то ещё сомневается, на кого на самом деле работает Пыпа, и почему его жопу всё это время усиленно спасали по всем фронтам?
Начиная с американских политтехнологов для ЕдРа в нулевых, продолжая "перезагрузкой" от Обамы, и заканчивая истошным "это был ИГИЛ!" после обсёра синевиков в Крокусе.