Путин хуйло 12/03/2024 (Tue) 08:30 Id: 323f45 No.667143 del
Лол, в полной статье ещё более интересные откровения.
>Trudeau told Trump he cannot levy the tariff because it would kill the Canadian economy completely. Trump replied – asking, so your country can't survive unless it's ripping off the U.S. to the tune of $100 billion?
>Trump then suggested to Trudeau that Canada become the 51st state, which caused the prime minister and others to laugh nervously, sources told Fox News.
>But he continued, telling Trudeau that prime minister is a better title, though he could still be governor of the 51st state.
>Sources told Fox News someone at the table chimed in and advised Trump that Canada would be a very liberal state, which received even more laughter. Trump suggested that Canada could possibly become two states: a conservative and a liberal one.
>He told Trudeau that if he cannot handle his list of demands without ripping the U.S. off in trade, maybe Canada should really become a state or two and Trudeau could become a governor.

То есть это не просто как шутка, а вполне реальный план поделить Канаду на "либеральный" и "консервативный" (франкоговорящий Монреаль?) штаты.