Anon 04/25/2024 (Thu) 04:27 No.10246 del
>32 bit computer
As long as it's updated, it shouldn't be a problem.

That sucks. I don't have much to add to what was said here, >>10238 other than for future drive purchases and storage options you should think about:
>budget, can I afford to buy more than one?
>If I have a dump/low priority drive, would I really care if I lose all data?
>Have a outgrown 5TB?

How badly do you hate internal drive bays? I'd still keep some external bays but I'd honestly wonder if it'd make sense to turn one of your computer's into a NAS with a small number of larger drives.

How bad would it be to lose:
>Would discard approximately 35 minutes of transactions.

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