Anon 04/29/2024 (Mon) 22:41 No.10287 del
2015 video not in TPA - "MLP GTA 5 LOADING THEME":

>Someone was mirroring here, or 8chan's old /pone/? I have seen this /pone/, I guess I should say, /endpone/, mentioned from time to time but I am slightly surprised if someone had been archiving it outside of here.
User listed /endpone/ here "Pony Image Boards"

"I learned about that scummy Red Hat event when the news on it broke. (IBM owns Red Hat.)" >>10274 - to clarify, I heard about Red Hat becoming closed source to all but paying customers: (I watched this video around when it was first uploaded). Corporate greed = non-community-based Linux OS could get paywalled, so use Debian or something which isn't RHEL for Linux server usage: ("Why RedHat is BAD"). I didn't closely follow the CentOS thing. pfp from recent video about that: ("The END of CENTOS matters more than you think!"). (That channel seemed to only have npr videos.)

I installed this "apt install policycoreutils" to see this:
>$ sestatus
>SELinux status: disabled
>$ # However,
Text file "/etc/selinux/config" had this text

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