Anon 04/30/2024 (Tue) 03:56 No.10292 del
Rainbow Dash AI dub of Sonic X OP

Version 1 (includes the original PMV data which was deleted off of YouTube):

Version 2 (CID ends in "ai"):

Years ago, back when I used Windows, I used Recuva a couple of times to undelete files. Not sure how to undelete NTFS files when using Linux. photorec maybe

>Know this oof. Sometimes you get gibberish and the ONE thing that seems worthwhile is the one thing you miss.
It's annoying. I hope the devs are aware of how easy it is to make that mistake. In web browsers, you can "Reopen closed tab" if you accidentally click x on one of them. QTerminal should have a similar thing if it keeps using ctrl+shift+x to clear the text (and middle click on trackpad to close a tab).