Anon 05/03/2024 (Fri) 15:07 No.10313 del
SEO - Google search links to porn-website-like ShitTok links (domain name replaced with alt frontend):
. meaning this search link:
. not meaning this:

ShitTok or ProxiTok limits video playback to once, then if you refresh the page you only get an error "There was an error processing your request!" I have seen this about 3 times with ProxiTok so far, and I never got it to work more times than first access.

>100 GB of movies
Was more than 110 GB actually (scene releases+my rips). 107 GB of it:

. export+import CAR over SSH
. export done, import in HPC <- was here last I checked
. import done, pin in HPC <- happens quickly (maybe unneeded as default CAR import does this)

pfps from npr videos

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